Agricultural Marketing Service
Marketing Orders
Tart Cherry Marketing Order Amendment Hearing  
Tart Cherries Grown in Michigan, et al.; Hearing on Proposed Amendment to Marketing Agreement and Order No. 930. Docket Number: AMS-FV-10-0087; FV10-930-5; AO-370-A9; 11-0093. Hearings were held in Grand Rapids, Michigan on April 20-21, 2011; and in Provo, Utah, on April 26, 2011. [Notice of Hearing PDF] [Press Release]

List of Exhibits:

  • Exhibit 3: Certification of Mailing of the Notice of Hearing [Document PDF]
  • Exhibit 5: Certificate of Mailing to Governors [Document PDF]
  • Exhibit 7: Statistics of U.S. Tart Cherry Industry [Document PDF]
  • Exhibit 9: Tart Cherry Industry Analysis by Jim Nugent [Document PDF]
  • Exhibit 10: USDA Tart Cherry Production and Utilization Data Report [Document PDF]
  • Exhibit 13: September 22, 2010, Cherry Industry Administrative Board Letter to Secretary Vilsack [Document PDF]
  • Exhibit 14: November 14, 2010, Cherry Industry Administrative Board Letter to the Marketing Order Administration Branch [Document PDF]
  • Exhibit 16: Graph Used During Testimony by William Sherman [Document PDF]
  • Taken Notice of Agricultural Economics Report No. 639 [Document PDF]

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  Last Modified Date: 06/16/2011