Agricultural Marketing Service
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National Organic Program
National Organic Program
NOSB Materials Committee Work Plans  
  • Keeping TAP review process going
  • Look at the 5-year re-review
  • Forming a Materials Task Force


  • Work on a draft document identifying ways to improve the communications when a petition is submitted to remove a material from the National List
  • Work on a recommendation to review materials already on the National List


  • Update materials review process
  • Prioritize TAP reviews for new contractors
  • Draft policy for removal of items from list and cycle for re-reviews
  • Draft guidelines to help Board members be prepared for material reviews at meetings
  • Develop policy for material review process for contractors
  • Facilitate communication between contractors and Materials Committee
  • Draft policy on inerts and excipients
  • Continue involvement in EPA policy implementation
  • Prioritize review of apiculture inputs as petitioned


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  Last Modified Date: 06/25/2007