Agricultural Marketing Service
International Marketing
Section 8e Potato Import Requirements  
Recent Rulemaking:

Irish Potatoes Grown in Colorado and Imported Irish Potatoes; Relaxation of the Handling Regulation for Area No. 2 and Import Regulations. Docket Number: AMS-FV-13-0073; FV13-948-3 FR. Effective: April 27, 2015. [Notice PDF]

Irish Potatoes Grown in Washington and Imported Potatoes; Modification of the Handling Regulation, Reporting Requirements, and Import Regulations of Red Types of Potatoes. Docket Number: AMS-FV-13-0068; FV13-946-3 FIR. EFFECTIVE: July 21, 2014. [Notice PDF]

Vegetable Import Regulation; Modification of Potato Import Regulations and to Administrative Requirements for Onion, Potato and Tomato Import Regulations. Docket Number: AMS-FV-08-0018; FV08-980-1 FR. EFFECTIVE: January 11, 2010. [Notice PDF] [Correction PDF] [Summary PDF]

INSPECTION REQUIRED - All potatoes imported into the United States must meet the following minimum grade, size, and maturity requirements prior to importation, including release from custody of the U.S. Customs Border Patrol (CBP), in accordance with § 980.1 (7 CFR 980). This potato import regulation is issued under Section 8e (7 U.S.C. 608e) of the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 601-674).

Potato import requirements do not apply to minimum quantities not exceeding 500 pounds.
** Size "B" potatoes range in size from 1-1/2 to 2-1/4 inches in diameter.

CONDITIONS FOR THE IMPORTATION OF COMMODITIES EXEMPT FROM IMPORT REQUIREMENTS - The Importer's Exempt Commodity Form (FV-6) is used for potatoes for the consumption in exempted outlets such as canning , freezing, potato salad, livestock feed, charity or relief.

Contact the Marketing Order and Agreement Division’s (MOAD) Compliance and Enforcement Division at (202) 720-2491 for more information on filing the FV-6 exemption certificates within two days after the commodity enters the United States.

DISPOSITION OF POTATOES FAILING TO MEET INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS - Potatoes failing to meet the above import requirements may be: (1) exported; (2) disposed of under Federal or Federal-State Inspection Program supervision with the importer bearing the costs of certifying the disposal of such potatoes; (3) diverted to an exempt outlet using the FV-6 form (see various approved outlets and procedures listed above) or; (4) reconditioned and reinspected with failed portion disposed under the procedures number (2) or (3) above.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR OBTAINING USDA INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION - The Federal or Federal-State Inspection Program, Fruit and Vegetable Program, Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, is designated as the governmental inspection agency for the purpose of certifying the grade, size, and maturity of potatoes prior to importation into the United States and will issue the official inspection certificates required on all potato imports. The Canadian Inspection Certificate is also honored for potatoes.

USDA inspection and certification services will be available upon application, in accordance with the rules and regulations governing the inspection and certification of fresh fruits, vegetables, and other products (7 CFR Part 51). The cost of the inspection and certification shall be paid by the applicant.

Potato importers should arrange for inspection and certification at least one day prior to entry at Port of inspection offices and two days prior to entry at the Field Operations Section at the Washington headquarters office at (202) 720-2482.

Washington Headquarters Inspection Office: USDA, AMS, Fruit and Vegetable Program, Specialty Crop Inspection Division, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Room 1661-S, Stop 0240, Washington, D.C. 20250-0240. Telephone: (202) 720-2482.

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  Summary of Potato Import Regulation  
  Last Modified Date: 04/22/2015