Agricultural Marketing Service
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MDP - SOPs for Sampling Activities  
  • SAMP-PROC-1 Sampling Plans and Documentation for MDP (Rev. 3, 04/29/09) (PDF)

  • SAMP-PROC-2 MDP Sampling Procedures on Site (Rev. 4, 8/31/09) (PDF)

  • SAMP-PROC-3 Packing and Shipment of MDP Samples (Rev. 3, 4/29/09) (PDF)

  • SAMP-PROC-4 Sample Information Forms and Chain of Custody (Rev. 3, 4/29/09) (PDF)

  • SAMP-PROC-5 Sampling Procedures During National or Regional Emergency Events (Original, 4/29/09) (PDF)

  • SAMP-GLOSSARY Glossary of Sampling Terms (Original, 4/29/09) (PDF)

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  Last Modified Date: 09/30/2009