Agricultural Marketing Service
News Release

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USDA Announces Lamb Products Purchase

Release No.: 123-13

Sam Jones-Ellard, (202) 660-2268

WASHINGTON, July 18, 2013 – U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) Administrator Anne Alonzo has announced USDA's intent to make available up to $5 million to purchase lamb products for federal food nutrition assistance programs, including food banks.

“The domestic lamb industry faces various market challenges. Increased imports, weather problems and excess supply have added new pressures on the industry,” said Alonzo. “This purchase will help relieve pressure on American lamb producers and will help mitigate further downward prices, stabilize market conditions, and provide high quality, nutritious food to recipients of USDA's nutrition programs."

AMS purchases a variety of high-quality food products each year to support the National School Lunch Program, the Summer Food Service Program, the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations, the Commodity Supplemental Food Program and the Emergency Food Assistance Program. USDA also makes emergency food purchases for distribution to victims of natural disasters.

Government food experts work to ensure that all purchased food is healthful and nutritious. Food items are required to be low in fat, sugar and sodium. The products must meet specified requirements and be certified to ensure quality. AMS purchases only products of 100 percent domestic origin. This purchase is based on analyses of current market conditions.

For more information or purchase details, interested suppliers should contact, in writing: Contracting Officer, USDA/AMS Commodity Procurement Staff, Stop 0256, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250; telephone (202) 720-4517; or visit the AMS website at


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