Agricultural Marketing Service
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National Organic Program
National Organic Program
NOSB Handling Committee Work Plans  
  • Agricultural – Non-Agricultural guidelines: Continue work on the deferred recommendation. Request expedited full TAP for yeast for review in this recommendation. Review and consider public comments made on this recommendation
  • Sunset Material Review Process. Move forward on the materials identified as a priority: color, flavors and yeast. Review public comments on all processing materials and identify any problematic materials that might need further TAP review/questions
  • Pet Food Task Force: Participate in Pet Food Task Force meetings
  • Determination of Commercial Availability criteria, in cooperation with the Policy Development Committee, under 205.606
  • Review petitioned substances as needed
  • Respond to NOP Q&A’s as needed


  • Synthetic vs. Non-synthetic: Work with Materials Committee regarding the review and recommendation for the “Clarification of Synthetic as it Applies to Substances Petitioned for the Addition or Prohibition to the National List”
  • Agricultural – Non-Agricultural: review and provide guidance for clarification of current 205.2 definitions.
  • Recommendation for the re-classification of Yeast currently listed on 205.605(a).
  • Sunset Material Review Process. Move forward on the materials identified as a priority: color, flavors and yeast.
  • Work with the Compliance, Accreditation, and Certification Committee to make a recommendation for the “Retail Certification” question from the NOP.
  • Pet Food Task Force: Participate in Pet Food Task Force following NOP guidance.
  • Review petitioned substances as needed.
  • Review succession plan for future HC leadership.
  • Any work that the HC can do following the Summary Judgment.
  • Work with Materials Committee to review procedures for materials proposed on 205.606 as affected by the Summary Judgment.
  • Work with Materials Committee to review materials on 205.605(b) to reaffirm their current status as synthetic.
  • Verify information on all HC action items voted on at March NOSB meeting with the NOP.
  • Determination of Commercial Availability criteria, in cooperation with the Policy Development Committee, under 205.606.


  • Agricultural – Non-Agricultural review and recommendation for materials on 205.605(a).
  • Prepare Statement of Work (objectives, tasks, timetable)
  • Seek public input
  • Assess need for possible task force
  • Pet Food draft recommendation.
  • Work with Policy Development Committee regarding issue of organic and non-organic substances in “made with category”.
  • Sunset Material Review Process. Identify materials that need additional TAP review and begin to move forward.
  • Clarify the qualifications of materials classified as Food Contact Substances and provide guidance.
  • Review petitioned substances as needed


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  Last Modified Date: 06/25/2007