Agricultural Marketing Service
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PVPO Errata  
  • ERRATA: Due to a clerical error on our part, the oat varieties 'Shelby427' (PVP#201100156 ) and ‘Saber’ (PVP#201100157) have been listed as not having to be sold by variety name only, as a class of certified seed. The seed of 'Shelby 427’ and ‘Saber’ should be listed to be sold by variety name only, as a class of certified seed. (February 26, 2013)

  • ERRATA: Due to a clerical error on our part, the pea varieties ‘Savannah’ (PV# 201000099), ‘Hudson’ PV# 201000165), and ‘Sapphire’ (PV# 201000169) have been listed as specifying that seed of these varieties be sold by variety name only, as a class of certified seed. The seeds of ‘Savannah’, ‘Hudson’, and ‘Sapphire’ do not have to be sold by variety name only, as a class of certified seed. (April 14, 2010)

  • ERRATA: Due to inadvertent error, the following soybean varieties ‘2388028’ and ‘4010165’ were removed from the press release AMS-No. 263-08, dated February 11, 2008 – USDA GRANTS PROTECTION TO 32 NEW PLANT VARIETIES. Those certificates have been amended and there are now 30 new varieties of seed-reproduced and tuber-propagated plants. (March 13, 2008)

  • ERRATA: Due to inadvertent error, the following Kentucky bluegrass variety ‘Barrister’ and field corn variety ‘PHCCW’ were removed from the press release AMS No. 267-08, dated February 11, 2008 – USDA GRANTS PROTECTION TO 23 NEW PLANT VARIETIES. Those certificates have been amended and there are now 21 new varieties of seed-reproduced and tuber- propagated plants. (March 13, 2008)

  • ERRATA: Due to a clerical error on our part, the soft red winter common wheat 'AGS 2000' has been listed as specifying that seed of this variety be sold by variety name only, as a class of certified seed. The seed of 'AGS 2000' does not have to be sold by variety name only, as a class of certified seed. (May 23, 2002)

  • ERRATA: Due to a clerical error on our part, the soft red winter common wheat '522W' has been listed as specifying that seed of this variety be sold by variety name only, as a class of certified seed. The seed of '522W' does not have to be sold by variety name only, as a class of certified seed. (April 3, 2002).

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  Last Modified Date: 07/29/2014