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FOIA Fees  
The FOIA permits agencies to charge fees to requesters. In your request you may include the fee category in which you feel you belong, (commercial use, news media, educational institution, noncommercial scientific institution, or other). State the maximum amount of fees that you are willing to pay, or include a request for a fee waiver. Fee waivers may be granted when disclosure of the records is in the public interest and will contribute to the public's understanding of the agency's operations or activities. The request for a waiver must be fully documented and justified by written explanation.

Information will be included in the response to your request regarding any fee charges. The USDA FOIA regulations (7 CFR Subtitle A, Part 1, Subpart A) include a complete list of fee charges. For current fees follow this link.

I want to
  Read about the FOIA  
  Request Information under the FOIA  
  Find out what to do if my FOIA request is denied  
See also
  USDA FOIA Website  
  USDA FOIA Regulations  
  Text of the Freedom of Information Act (PDF)  
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  Last Modified Date: 03/28/2011