Agricultural Marketing Service
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National Organic Program
National Organic Program
NOSB Handling Committee Work Plans  
  • Will continue to work on Food Contact Substance and Guidance
  • Will work on materials: (1) Nitrous oxide, and (2) Sunset review of materials on the national List
  • Post-harvest handling vs. processing.


  • Work on the Processing Task Force document for final recommendation
  • Work on Post Harvest Processing vs. handling for producers and retailers recommendation
  • Continue to work on materials review process


  • Determining technologies that might be reviewed
  • On-farm processing
  • Materials review


  • Continue working on a technologies recommendation
  • Forward cultures for a petition


  • Post guidelines for approved processing technologies – revise based on comments
  • Continue review of deferred materials
  • Review new materials as petitioned


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  Last Modified Date: 06/25/2007