Agricultural Marketing Service
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National Organic Program
National Organic Program
NOSB Policy Development Committee Work Plans  
  • KSA for NOSB Executive Director
  • Policy for NOP/NOSB Collaboration
  • Board Policy Manual Revisions
  • Schedule of NOSB Meetings
  • Barbara Robinson Comments
  • Explanation of Technical Corrections
  • Handling of Livestock Medication materials – work with LC
  • Is it possible to create a category of alternative medicines on National List?
  • Is there a potential to create a “negative over-the-counter list”
  • Is there a category of “production aids” with reference of specific use
  • Is there an opportunity to have organic included as a “minor species/minor use” category by FDA?
  • Can recommended materials fit within current listings, such as calcium borogluconate as an “electrolyte”?
  • Can decisions made at higher levels of USDA and FDA facilitate the approval process for these substances?
  • Handling of Organic and Non-Organic Ingredients in “Made With” Products – work w/ HC
  • Guidance on Temporary Variances for Research – work w/ CC
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  Last Modified Date: 06/25/2007