Agricultural Marketing Service
Grading, Certification and Verification
Fresh Products Inspections - Destination Market Inspection Fees  
Destination Market Inspection Fees
Quality and condition inspections of products each in quantities of 51 or more packages and unloaded from the same land or air conveyance (Lots in excess of carlot equivalents will be charged proportionally by the quarter carlot):


-Over a half carlot equivalent product = $151
-Half carlot equivalent for less of each product = $125
-For each additional lot of the same product = $69


Condition only inspections of products each in quantities of 51 or more packages and unloaded from the same land or air conveyance (Lots in excess of carlot equivalents will be charged proportionally by the quarter carlot):


-Over a half carlot equivalent of each product = $125
-Half carlot equivalent or less of each product = $115
-For each additional lot of the same product = $69


Quality and condition and condition only inspections of products each in quantities of 50 or less packages unloaded from the same land or air conveyance (Lots in excess of carlot equivalents will be charged proportionally by the quarter carlot):


-For each additional product = $69
-For each additional lot of any of the same product = $69


Dockside inspections of an individual product unloaded directly from the same ship:


-For each package weighing less than 30 pounds = 3.8 cents
-For each package weighing 30 or more pounds = 5.9 cents
-Minimum charge per individual products = $151
-Minimum charge for each additional lot of the same product = $69


Inspection performed for other purposes during the grader's regularly scheduled work week = $74/hr


Audit Based Services = $92/hr


Overtime rate (per hour additional) for all inspections performed outside the grader’s regularly scheduled work week = $38/hr

Holiday hourly rate in addition to carlot fee or regular hourly rate = $74/hr


Inspections performed under 40 hour contracts during the grader's regularly scheduled work week = $74/hr


Rate for billable mileage = $1.32 per mile


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