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Fruit and Vegetable Industry Advisory Committee  
Since its inception in 2001, this Advisory Committee has met up to two times per year to develop recommendations for submission to the Secretary of Agriculture on issues affecting the U.S. produce industry. AMS officials ensure this Advisory Committee is administered according to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, and plan Advisory Committee meetings.



Meeting Summaries  
The 2013 -2015 Fruit and Vegetable Industry Advisory Committee met March 10-11, 2015, at USDA Headquarters in Washington D. C. This was the second meeting of the 2013-2015 Committee. [Notice] [News Release]
The 2013-2015 Fruit and Vegetable Industry Advisory Committee met for the first time on September 29-30, 2014, in the Washington D.C. region. This was the first meeting of the newly re-chartered Committee. The approved meeting minutes are attached: FVIAC September 29-30, 2014 Meeting Minutes
On July 28, 2014, USDA announced the appointment of 25 members to the Fruit and Vegetable Industry Advisory Committee. The Committee will meet up two times per year to advise the Secretary of Agriculture on issues affecting the Fruit and Vegetable Industry.[News Release].

The Committee met February 28-March 1, 2011. This was the final meeting of the Committee, with the charter ending on March 31, 2011. The two-year term of each member of the Advisory Committee also concludes on this date. [Notice] [News Release] [Food Safety Working Group][CDC Outbreak] [USDA Farm to School Update] [Produce Safety] [Recommendations]


Resources Image
  Roster of Current Members  
  Complete List of Recommendations (PDF)  
  AMS Representatives  
  Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) Database  
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  Last Modified Date: 03/24/2015