Agricultural Marketing Service
International Marketing
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)  
The LPS Program actively participates with the UN/ECE in developing standard terminology and classification systems for agricultural products. These standards are useful to exporters and importers seeking a uniform, transparent, internationally recognized and reviewed set of standards to facilitate communication between buyers and sellers for meat products. The LPS Program currently serves as Vice-Chair of the Working Party on the Agricultural Quality Standards for Meat. The committee meets each year in Geneva, Switzerland to vote on standards before the Committee being considered for adoption as UNECE standards. The Working Party has published standards for Bovine, Caprine, Ovine, Porcine, Horse and Veal meat carcasses and cuts and Edible meat co-products.

For a calendar of future meetings, please feel free to either consult the UNECE web site or contact the LPS Program directly. If you have an interest in being part of this advisory group, please contact the Standardization Program for more information.

Useful Links
  United Nations Economic Commission for Europe  
  Last Modified Date: 02/19/2013