Agricultural Marketing Service
Goat Terminology  

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Angora Used to describe goats on market reports that are prodomidately Angora genetics.
Buck/Billy Uncastrated male goat over 12 months of age.
Dairy Used to describe goats that are prodomidately express dairy goat gentics, such as the Apline breed.
Doe/Nanny Mature female goat over 12 months of age.
Kid A goat that is under 12 months of age.
Meat Used a describe goats that prodomidately express meat goat gentics, such as as the Boer breed.
Pairs and Trios Female goat with 1 or 2 kids at side.
Selection 1 Live goats and/or carcasses shall possess a superior meat type conformation. Without regard to presence of fat cover, they shall be thickly muscled throughout the body as indicated by the appearance of muscling that is pronounced (bulging) over the outside leg (biceps femoris), full (rounded) over the back strip (longissimus dorsi), and moderately thick over the outside shoulder (triceps brachii group).
Selection 2 Live goats and/or carcasses shall possess an average meat type confirmation. Without regard to presence of fat cover, they shall be moderately muscled throughout the body as indicated by the appearance of muscling that is slightly thick and less pronounced over the outside leg (biceps femoris), slightly full (flat or slightly shallow) over the back strip, (longissimus dorsi), and slightly thick to slightly thin over the outside shoulder (triceps brachii group).
Selection 3 Live goats and/or carcasses shall posses an inferior meat type confirmation. Without regard to presence of fat cover, the legs, back and shoulders are narrow in relation with its length and have a very angular and sunken appearance.
Wether Castrated male goat of any age.
Yearling A goat that is between 12-24 months of age.

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  Last Modified Date: 03/10/2011