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National Organic Program
National Organic Program
NOSB Board Policy Task Force Committee Work Plans  
  • Task force will include the timeline for submitting committee recommendations and TAP reports
  • The task force will include any new committees’ names and descriptions – and any changes in board structure – as a part of the policy manual
  • Update our voting forms will be prepared for inclusion in the manual
  • Language on the Peer Review Panel will be removed
  • Other amendments will be handled as needed.


  • Solicit items for Board Policy Manual glossary from NOP and NOSB
  • Complete draft of glossary


  • Mr. Riddle said the Board Policy Task Force will send the adopted Board Policy Manual to the NOP for feedback, then back to the task force, with a report to be made in September. Any changes would be voted on in October.


  Last Modified Date: 07/21/2006