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National Organic Program
National Organic Program
NOSB Policy Development Committee Work Plans  
  • Determination of Commercial Availability criteria, in cooperation with the Handling Committee, under 205.606
  • Obtain public comment, and develop final recommendation on Temporary Variances for Research
  • Board Policy Manual Revisions
  • Board Member 101
  • Review of potential separation of mineral-sourced supplements from ag-sourced supplements
  • Analysis of issues relating to remediation of court order
  • Board members should send ideas and inputs to Bea James, who will serve as clearinghouse for compiling a draft document.
  • The NOSB members will provide ideas and input to the NOP.
  • Ideas will be forwarded to Bea within a month. Board members will review in two weeks afterwards

  • Develop for distribution to the board, and for Executive Committee action, a formal response to Good Guidance Policy Federal Register Document, pending receipt of the Collaboration Document
  • Develop for distribution to the board, and for Executive Committee action, a follow-up to the AAPFCO organic labeling policy
  • In cooperation with Crop and Livestock Committees, develop a draft guidance on Temporary Variances for Research
  • Board Policy Manual Revisions
  • Include new materials approval/TAP review information
  • Include sunset review process.
  • Circulate to Full Board
  • Determination of Commercial Availability criteria, in cooperation with the Handling Committee, under 205.606
  • Transition toward staggered board terms
  • Recruitment of new chair
  • Procedure for Handling Q&A’s from NOP
  • Follow-Up on:
  • KSA for NOSB Executive Director
  • Handling of Livestock Medication materials
  • Handling of Organic and Non-Organic Ingredients in “Made With” Products


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  Last Modified Date: 06/25/2007