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National Organic Program
National Organic Program
NOSB Crops Committee Work Plans  
  • COMPOST AND COMPOST TEA: Review and consider public comments made on this recommendation. Revise recommendation. Write Q & A’s for Compost and Compost Tea.
  • SUNSET MATERIAL REVIEW: Move forward on the materials identified as a priority: newspaper or other recycled paper, without glossy or colored inks; aquatic plant extracts; humic acids; liquid fish products. Review public comments on all crop materials and identify any problematic materials that might need further TAP review/questions, e.g., streptomycin, tetracycline, chlorine.
  • CONTAMINANTS IN FERTILIZER: delineate the issue, e.g., what substances are contaminants, what levels, site specific versus national levels, etc.
  • COMMERCIAL AVAILABILITY OF SEED: Evaluate public comments to determine the potential for suggested unintended impacts.
  • MATERIALS RECOMMENDATION: Complete recommendations for Board consideration on soy protein isolate and ammonium bicarbonate.
  • BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS AUGUST 2005: Complete decision sheets for each recommendation.
  • HYDROPONICS: Complete recommendation to the Board on hydroponics.


  • Revise recommendation on commercial availability of organic seed.
  • Review the Compost and Compost Tea Task Forces Reports. Write recommendations for Board considerations.
  • Write Q & A’s for Compost and Compost Tea
  • Complete recommendations for Board consideration on soy protein isolate and ammonium bicarbonate after the Handling and Materials Committees have completed work on the definition of synthetic versus non-synthetic.
  • Work with the Policy Committee on a recommendation to the Board on guidance on temporary variance for research.
  • Sunset Review
  • Prioritize materials
  • Write questions for TAP contractors for any material sent for review.
  • Complete decision sheet for recommendations completed by Board at Feb/March 2005 meeting
  • Recruit new CC chair.
  • Write guidance document for Board consideration on hydroponics.


  • Petitioned substances, including soy protein isolate
  • Sunset review priorities
  • Merge Compost Tea and Compost Task Force reports into draft rec’d for board vote
  • Draft guidance on “commercially available” organic seed requirements
  • Draft rec’d on hydroponics
  • Temporary variance for research guidance – work w/ PDC
  • Revise “natural resource” section of model farm plan to better address biodiversity and natural resource preservation requirements


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  Last Modified Date: 06/25/2007