Agricultural Marketing Service
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National Organic Program
National Organic Program
NOSB Compliance, Accreditation, and Certification Committee Work Plans  
  • Submit Retail / Private Label Q & A
  • Submit NOSB Comments on NOP ANSI Response
  • Further Develop Peer Review Panel Procedures in Collaboration with Program Staff
  • Provide Feedback to NOP staff on ANSI Remediation Items



  • In cooperation with the Program staff, develop a standard operating procedure intended to operationalize the process of peer review. The procedure will be driven by the information gathered during the recent ANSI audit and response.
  • In cooperation with Handling Committees, develop draft Q&A’s on certification for retailers and private labelers. These Q&A’s will address which certification is appropriate for representation on the product label.



  • Information on Certificates – draft received
  • Guidance for people seeking certification - how to choose a certifier
  • Institutionalize Peer Review



  • The committee will continue to work on the minor non-compliance document. The document will be posted for discussion. Action is planned for the October meeting
  • The committee will begin to look at information on certificates, and ideas for creating uniform information on those certificates
  • The committee will be analyzing the future role of the committee.
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  Last Modified Date: 06/25/2007