Agricultural Marketing Service
International Marketing
LPS International Services - USDA Quality Systems Verification Program  
The LPS Program offers audit-based quality management program assistance to the livestock, poultry and seed industries based on their experience and expertise with the ISO 9000 series quality management and assurance standards. This program, called the USDA Quality System Verification Program, focuses on process control instead of end-item examination as a means of ensuring product quality. This service allows producers and processors to market products with USDA verified quality management systems in each phase of the production cycle. Such third-party reviewed quality management systems can be used by poultry, egg, meat and meat product companies to ensure the quality of their products to international customers. These programs also allow interested companies a means to verify label claims that pertain to marketing issues, such as breed identification programs, feeding regimes, and others.


  Last Modified Date: 03/19/2013