Agricultural Marketing Service
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National Organic Program
National Organic Program
NOSB Materials Committee Work Plans  
Update Material Review Process
  • Work with NOP in ongoing process of clarifying current Material Review Process.
  • NOP review process of a petition prior to forwarding to materials committee.
  • Cut-off date for TAP reviews prior to an NOSB meeting.
  • CBI information. Clarification on process?
  • Draft Policy on the National List Sunset Revision Process – post for public comment;
  • When recommending material review using existing TAP reviews then the committee MUST review the supplied information and expedite a supplemental TAP if necessary;
  • Status on list 3 inerts and EPA – Rose Koenig & Nancy Ostiguy;
  • National List Update – status on NOSB materials recommendations and Federal Register Dockets; and
  • Discussion with NOP on restructuring the National List: (See Discussion Document in Meeting Minutes – May 2003)

  • Specifically Handling 205.605 and 205.606
  • Ongoing issues with TAP reports; contractors, deferred TAPs for inadequate information.
  • Guidance Document/OFPA criteria (?) for contractors on reviewing materials (i.e., Livestock)
  • National List Sunset Provision - Ms. Burton distributed a document concerning the recommended process to begin the re-review of materials included on the National List. After Board review the document, it will be posted for public comment.


  • Prioritize National List Material Review - existing materials to be reviewed over the next 5 years
  • Task force on EPA list 3 inerts
  • Materials petition/TAP - ongoing process
  • Monitor contractors


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  Last Modified Date: 06/25/2007