Agricultural Marketing Service
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Grading, Certification and Verification
International Marketing
Scientific and Intellectual Property Services  
AMS works to improve the quality, wholesomeness, and marketing of agricultural commodities by providing scientific testing support and intellectual property protection to the agricultural community.

  • AMS' Science and Technology Program provides chemical and microbiological testing services, and assists in developing voluntary user-funded quality assurance programs. Science and Technology Program laboratories are designed to meet a variety of testing needs, such as helping producers to meet private contract and foreign government testing requirements. Training is available on analytical testing procedures.

  • The Plant Variety Protection Act provides intellectual property rights protection to breeders of new varieties of plants that are sexually reproduced or tuber-propagated. This protection is recognized internationally by countries that are signatories to the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants.

  • The Federal Seed Act protects those who buy seed by prohibiting false labeling and advertising of seed in interstate commerce. AMS also tests seed for seed producers and seed buyers on a fee-for-service basis to determine quality.

See Also
  International Marketing Overview  
  Commodity and Trading Standadards  
  Product, Production Process and Equipment Certification  
  Market and Shipping Information  
  Last Modified Date: 07/26/2007