Agricultural Marketing Service
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National Organic Program
National Organic Program
NOSB Livestock Committee Work Plans  
  • Will work on clarifying non-edible livestock standards;
  • Will work on clarifying new dairy herd entry clause and post list of scenarios for public comment;
  • Stimulate task force within industry: (1) Alternatives to methionine, and (2) Identify calf-hood drugs to petition; and
  • Livestock materials to be addressed include:
  • Moxidectin
  • Chelated minerals
  • Flunixin
  • Fish meal


  • Work on criteria for the material process to modify livestock vs. crops
  • Work on cat food drugs for raising livestock
  • Work on the standards on production of livestock
  • Review other standards and how they affect the rule


  • Reviewing 18 materials
  • Working on dairy herd replacement clause
  • Working on excipients


  • Post dairy replacement animal recommendation on the web for comment, with a vote anticipated for the September meeting
  • Develop a checklist for poultry inspections related to issues discussed at this meeting
  • Prepare to discuss excipients in medications
  • Prioritize list of materials for review


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  Last Modified Date: 06/25/2007