Fruit and Vegetable Programs Webinars  
USDA hosts ongoing webinar series for fruit and vegetable industry

The USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service delivers free on-line webinars, accessible to anyone with Internet access, for fruit and vegetable growers, handlers, and distributors of all sized operations.

Each webinar is designed to address a different service or function of AMS’ Fruit and Vegetable Program, which administers marketing and regulatory programs for the produce industry.

Following a live, formal presentation by a USDA expert on the webinar topic, participants have the chance to ask questions and receive answers on the spot.

To view each webinar, click the link below and select the “Play Back” button when it appears.

Here’s a rundown of what’s been offered in the past:

An Introduction to PACA – Your partner in Produce.


The PACA Complaint Process – Promoting Better Business Practices in Produce.


Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA) Trust Provision.


Una Introducion a la ley de Productors Perecederoes (PACA) – En Español


An Introduction to the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act ( PACA) – In Korean


Interpreting USDA Fruit and Vegetable Inspections: Does the Shipment Make good Delivery?


Market News: New Custom Average Tool Explained


Getting the Most from the Fruit and Vegetable Market News Retail Report


An Introduction to Market News – in Spanish/ Una Introducción a Noticias de Mercado de Frutas y Hortalizas del USDA – en Español.


Fresh Produce market Inspection Basics


How to Prepare for a Food Safety Audit


USDA GAP & GHIP Audit Program & GAP harmonization Standard


The USDA’s Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) 102 – Preparing for the Audit


AN Introduction to USDA’s Fruit and Vegetable Marketing Orders and Agreements


How to Sell Fruits and Vegetables to the USDA

How to Sell Domestic Foods to the USDA


USDA&USDOC – Tomato Suspension Agreement Explained


FDA’s Proposed Produce Safety Rules hosted by USDA


Learn the Language of Produce: How to the Use Fruit and Vegetable Market News

Learn the Language of Produce - Understanding Fruit and Vegetable Quality and Condition Defects


  Last Modified Date: 06/26/2015