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National Organic Program
National Organic Program
NOSB Livestock Committee Work Plans  
  • Pasture requirement. LC will expeditiously work with NOP to address the need for clear rationale for the proposed rule change and guidance.
  • Apiculture. LC will continue to work with Nancy Ostiguy on development of standards for organic honey.
  • Materials. LC has work to do on the Ivermectin / Moxidectin issues and will look at any other materials that need to be examined in reference to sunset.
  • Harvey ruling. LC will continue to work with NOP on impact of legal rulings on organic animal production.
  • Avian Influenza. LC will continue to monitor AI situation and how that might impact the organic poultry sector. LC believes NOSB must be proactive on this serious issue. Nancy Ostiguy and Mike Lacy will work on statement of how organic poultry production should respond to this human and animal health threat.
  • Aquaculture. This issue remains on the LC agenda. LC will monitor and assist the working groups as appropriate


  • Aquatic Animals Task Force: Appoint Aquatic Animals Task Force following NOP guidance.
  • Develop apiculture recommendation based on Apiculture Task Force report and comments received.
  • Revise pasture guidance document based on comments received.
  • Track posting of proposed rule change pertaining to replacement dairy animals.
  • Work with PDC and NOP on addition of recommended livestock medications to National List.
  • Continue to prioritize livestock substances for sunset reviews.
  • Consider creation of an Alternatives to Synthetic Methionine Task Force.
  • Consider need for fiber animals standards or guidance.
  • Recruit new LC chair.
  • Be prepared to draft or have input on changes to livestock regulation as affected by the Summary Judgment


  • Establish Aquatic Animals Task Force
  • Collaborate with NOP on FDA issues for livestock medication – work w/ PDC
  • Dairy replacement rule change
  • Methionine expiration from National List
  • Petitioned substances, including proteinated chelates
  • Review National List for any early sunset reviews
  • Apiculture standards as rule change


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  Last Modified Date: 06/25/2007