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PDP - Databases and Annual Summaries  
This page provides condensed copies of PDP Databases and complete copies of published PDP Annual Summary reports for the calendar-year surveys 1992-2013. The 2013 Summary was published on December 19, 2014.

The PDP Data files are compressed (zipped) into standard ZIP format files. The ZIP file requires a decompression utility. The zipped files will extract to several ASCII, delimited data files containing PDP sampling and residue testing data along with file layouts and reference lists that can be used to interpret the standardized codes used in the PDP data. The data files can then be imported into the provided database structure.

PDP Databases Available for Downloading  


PDP Annual Summary Reports for Downloading, Viewing, and Printing  

Other Government Sources of Pesticide Information  


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  Last Modified Date: 05/26/2015