Agricultural Marketing Service
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National Organic Program
National Organic Program
Decision Making Procedures  
1. Define the Problem
  • What is the problem?

  • Identify where we are now.
  • State the present condition in no more than two sentences.

  • Identify where we want to be.
  • State the future objective in no more than two sentences.

2. Analyze the Problem
  • Why is there a problem?

  • Is the evidence of the problem supported by credible and compelling facts or data?
  • What are the facts or data used to draw an affirmative conclusion?

  • Who does this problem affect?

  • What is the problem's effect?

  • In what time frame must the problem be resolved?

  • If the problem deserves immediate attention, what other priorities must be adjusted to accommodate this problem?

  • If the problem deserves immediate attention, what are the consequences of a delay?

3. Develop Possible Solutions
  • Propose ideas for possible solutions

  • Evaluate ideas for possible solutions
  • List pros for each possible solution
  • List cons for each possible solution

  • Select a Solution
  • Is the recommended solution legal?
  • Is the recommended solution practical?
  • Is the recommended solution supported by credible and compelling facts of data?
  • What are the facts or data used to draw an affirmative conclusion?
  • How does the recommended solution solve the problem?
  • How does the recommended solution meet the time frame identified in 2(b)?
  • Review recommended solution for unintended consequences.
4. Develop Action Plan
  • Develop Action Steps
  • Identify action steps to bridge the gap between present condition and future objective using the recommended solution.

  • Approve Action Plan

  • Implement Action Plan

Final - 5/9/2003

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  Last Modified Date: 07/10/2006