Agricultural Marketing Service
About AMS
AMS Administrative Issuances  
AMS Administrative Issuances are documents that communicate Agency policies and procedures to employees regarding administrative functions. They provide instruction to employees or explain benefits and how to obtain them. There are three types of Administrative Issuances used in AMS: Directives, Handbooks/Manuals, and Administrative Notices.

Issuances Sorted by Types

Directives are permanent issuances that are in force until canceled. Directives are used to issue delegations of authority, basic policies, and operating instructions.

Handbooks/Manuals are permanent issuances which give technical guidance and detailed procedures on a particular subject or function, generally of the type that must be referred to on a daily or frequent basis.

Administrative Notices are temporary, one-time issuances that normally address a single subject or action, establish short-term programs or interim procedures, or make announcements.

Issuances Sorted by Subject Categories


160.2 – Privacy Act

Budget, Finance, and Travel


Information Technology


Human Resources and Civil Rights

MRP 1660.1 Attachment 1 – Pre Tax Parking Application
332.1 – Resignations
354.1 – Severance Pay
MRP 4335.1 – Merit Promotion Plan
AMS 4335.2 – Directed Reassignment
MRP 4351.1 – Reduction in Force
Attachment 1 – Glossary
Attachment 4 – GIPSA Information
Attachment 5 – GIPSA Information
Attachment 6 – GIPSA Information
MRP 4368.1 – Telework Program
MRP 4550.2 – Premium Pay
MRP 4610.1 – Tours of duty
MRP 4630.1 – Absence and Leave
MRP 4713.1 – Civil Rights
MRP HRDG 4000-4999 – MRP Human Resources Desk Guide

Procurement, Realty, and Property


For additional information concerning Issuances, please contact the following:

Questions or comments concerning issuances should be directed to the APHIS, Information Technology Division, Chief Information Office, Information Management and Compliance (IMC) staff. Our email addresses and phone numbers are:




Go To
  Administrative Notices  
See also
  USDA Directives  
  MRP Issuances  
  Last Modified Date: 03/10/2015