Agricultural Marketing Service
International Marketing
International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee 34  
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). These national standards bodies collaborate to develop international standards that are intended to aid manufacturers, consumers, and the general public in manufacturing, purchasing, or using products, processes or procedures that conform to a consensus standard. ISO standards are developed according to the following principles:

The views of all interests are taken into account: manufacturers, vendors and users, consumer groups, testing laboratories, governments, engineering professions and research organizations.

Global solutions to satisfy industries and customers worldwide.

International standardization is market-driven and therefore based on voluntary involvement of all interests in the market-place.

The United States has input into this development process through membership in ISO via the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). This input is channeled through a Technical Advisory Group (TAG). ISO develops and maintains Meat and Meat Product standards through ISO Technical Committee 34/Subcommittee 6 (ISO/TC34/SC6). The LS Program administers, on behalf of ANSI, the U.S. TAG to ISO/TC34/SC6. Qualified U.S. experts participate in the meetings where these documents are drafted.

ISO standards are useful to exporters and importers seeking a uniform, internationally recognized and reviewed voluntary consensus meat and meat product standard objectively describing product or process specifications.

The LPS Program has appointed the following individuals to assist in representing the interests of the United States in the development of ISO meat and meat product standards:

  • American Meat Science Association
  • American Meat Institute
  • Southwest Meat Association
  • North American Meat Processors Association
  • National Cattlemen's Beef Association
  • American Sheep Industry Association
  • National Pork Board
  • US Meat Export Federation
  • Certified Hereford Beef, LLC
  • Iowa State University
  • Oklahoma State University
  • Kansas State University
  • Colorado State University
  • Unversity of Nebraska
  • University of Arkansas
  • University of Florida
  • University of Illinois
  • Texas A&M University
  • South Dakota State University
  • Ohio State University
  • Texas A&M University
  • Texas Tech University
  • University of Missouri
  • University of Georgia
  • Safeway
  • Tyson Fresh Meats, Inc.
  • Farmland Foods, Inc
  • Nolan Ryan Guaranteed Tender Meats
  • Pfizer
  • Hormel Foods
  • Cargill Meat Solutions
  • Vision For You LLC/E+V Technology GmbH
  • Research Management Systems USA, Inc
  • Certified Angus Beef

Useful Links
  The International Organization for Standardization  
  American National Standards Institute  
  Last Modified Date: 02/19/2013