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How to Request Information Under the Privacy Act  
Privacy Act records related to AMS should be sent to the following address:

Carrie Helmold
FOIA/PA Officer
Rm 3521-S
Ag Stop 0202
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Tel. (202) 720-2498
Fax. (202) 690-3737

How to request information under the Privacy Act

Write a letter to AMS, and mark "Privacy Act Request" clearly on both the letter and the envelope. If the personnel records are to be disclosed to any person other than the individual to whom it pertains, written consent of the individual to whom the record pertains is required.

Costs and time to respond to a Privacy Act request

Under the Privacy Act, you can be charged only for the cost of copying records for you, not for time spent locating them. Under the terms of the Act, the agency is not required to reply to a request within a given period of time; however, AMS policy is to acknowledge receipt of the request within 10 days and to provide the requested records within 30 days.

  Last Modified Date: 06/06/2014