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How to Request Information under the FOIA  
Write a letter or send a FAX to the address below stating that the request is being made under FOIA. For the quickest handling, mark both your letter and the envelope "Freedom of Information Act Request". Although you do not have to give a record's name or title, you should be as specific as possible to assist the agency in locating the records. The request should be as precise and narrow as possible. A request may only seek records that are in existence at the time the FOIA request is received, and may not require that new records be created in response to the request. As a general rule, you are not required to state the reasons why you are making the request. You may do so if you think it might help the agency locate the records. Be sure to provide your telephone number, mailing address, and a Fax number, if available, so that employees may contact you if needed.

USDA, Agricultural Marketing Service
Carrie Helmold
FOIA/PA Officer
Rm 3521-S
Ag Stop 0202
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20250-0273
Tel. (202) 720-2498
Fax. (202) 690-3767

How long will it take to answer a request?

Under the FOIA, federal agencies are required to respond to a request within 20 working days of receipt (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and federal holidays). Agencies may extend this period by 10 more working days under certain circumstances, with written notice to the requester.

I want to
  Read about the FOIA  
  Find out about Fees Charged for FOIA Requests  
  Find out what to do if my FOIA request is denied  
See also
  USDA FOIA Website  
  USDA FOIA Regulations  
  Text of the Freedom of Information Act  
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  Last Modified Date: 06/06/2014