Agricultural Marketing Service
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National Organic Program
National Organic Program
NOSB Materials Committee Work Plans  
  • Manage Sunset process
  • Distribute sunset review forms and instructions to committee chairs
  • Review public comments on sunset materials
  • Work with NOP on substances needed additional TAP reviews


  • Synthetic vs. Non-synthetic: Work with Handling Committee regarding the review and recommendation for the “Clarification of Synthetic as it Applies to Substances Petitioned for the Addition or Prohibition to the National List.”
  • Draft procedures for selection of Technical Advisory Panels.
  • Reorganize 205.603 and 205.604 according to OFPA criteria.
  • Work with Handling Committee to review procedures for materials proposed on 205.606 as affected by the Summary Judgment.
  • Work with Handling Committee to review materials on 205.605(b) to reaffirm their current status as synthetic.
  • Recruit new MC chair


  • Orientation for new TAP contractors
  • Revise petition notification
  • Sunset document – Develop internal procedures to be prepared to meet timelines
  • Address the posted materials review documents – nonsynthetic vs non-synthetic; extraction methods; material review procedures
  • Work w/ committees to identify potential sunset materials for early reviews
  • Work w/ NOP and committees on pending petitions
  • Work w/ NOP on potassium carbonate issue
  • Work w/ HC on ag vs non-ag issue
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  Last Modified Date: 06/25/2007