AMS has established a new regulation addressing country of origin labeling for packed honey bearing any official USDA mark or statement. This law adds a new cause for debarment from inspection and certification of honey.
The new regulation is necessary because the
2008 Farm Bill (section 10402 of the Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008) amended the
Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 to require country of origin labeling for honey, if it contains official USDA grade marks or statements.
A violation of the new requirements may be deemed by the Secretary to be sufficient cause for debarment from the benefits of this Act, such as the use of the grade statements for honey.
An interim final rule became effective October 6, 2009. A final rule was published January 4, 2011, and is effective February 3, 2011. Go to our
Federal Rulemaking page for more information on the rule.