Agricultural Marketing Service
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Grading, Certification and Verification
Marketing Orders
Milk Marketing Order Statistics  
  • Measures of Growth in Federal Milk Order Markets [PDF]

Special Report  
Impacts of NASS Nonfat Dry Milk Price and Sales Volume Revisions on Federal Order Prices [PDF]

On June 28, 2007, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) published revised prices and sales volumes for nonfat dry milk (NFDM) for the weeks ending April 29, 2006, through April 14, 2007. NFDM prices as reported by NASS are used to calculate nonfat solids pricing factors used in Federal order formulas. These formulas set minimum classified prices that handlers must pay for milk pooled in the Federal order system. This report provides the impacts that these revisions would have had for the Federal order system.

Supplemental Information
March 25, 2013, statement of clarification by USDA, Dairy Programs [PDF]

Contact Information  
For more information, contact the Market Information Branch, Dairy Programs, Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Room 2977-South Building, Stop Code 0232, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-0232. Telephone: (202) 720-4392. FAX: (202) 720-4844.

Price Announcements
  Most Recent Advanced Class I - Class II Skim [PDF]  
  Most Recent Advanced Class I - Class II Skim [TXT]  
  Most Recent Class II, III, IV, and Component [PDF]  
  Most Recent Class II, III, IV, and Component [TXT]  
Other Resources
  Dairy Market News  
  NASS Publications  
  ERS Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook:Tables  
  Milk Market Administrator Web Sites  
  Dairy Programs  
  Milk Marketing Order Statistics Database  
Contact Us
  For more information, contact the Market Information Branch, Dairy Programs  
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  Last Modified Date: 03/26/2013