AMS No. 251-11
Gwen Sparks, (202) 260-8210
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18, 2011 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has appointed six members to serve on the National Mango Board. Representatives will complete three-year terms beginning on Jan. 1, 2012.
Newly appointed members include: Veny L. Marti, of Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, representing domestic producers; Gregory Adam Golden of Mullica Hill, N.J. and Bill Vogel of San Pedro, Calif., on behalf of domestic mango importers; and Enrique Sanchez of Nayarit, Mexico representing foreign producers.
Members reappointed to the board include importer Thomas Wade Shiba of Missouri City, Texas; and foreign producer Bernardo Malo of Samborondon, Ecuador.
“These appointees represent a cross-section of the industry, and bring a wealth of diverse perspectives and backgrounds to the board,” said Vilsack. “I am confident that producers, importers and others in the mango industry will be well served by them.”
USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) provides oversight of the board in accordance with the Commodity Promotion Research and Information Act and Order. Industry first handlers and importers pay an assessment rate of half a cent per pound of mangos. The board administers a national promotion, research and consumer information program to maintain and expand markets for mangos.
Research and promotion programs are industry-driven programs funded through assessments and administered by board members selected by the Secretary of Agriculture. This allows commodity groups to conduct promotion, market and production research and new product development for the benefit of their industries. AMS monitors board operations. Visit for more information about research and promotion programs.
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