Agricultural Marketing Service
USDA Publishes Amendments to List of Substances Used in Organic Production and Handling
AMS No. 205-07

Joan Shaffer (202) 720-8998
Billy Cox (202) 720-8998

WASHINGTON, Oct. 16, 2007 -- The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will publish a final rule that will conclude the first sunset review of 168 exemptions (allowances) and prohibitions that were authorized on the USDA National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances (National List) on Oct. 21, 2002. The final rule will renew 165 exemptions and prohibitions and also remove three exemptions that were previously authorized in organic agriculture (milk replacers, nonsynthetic colors, and potassium tartrate made from tartaric acid).

The final rule reflects recommendations submitted to the Secretary of Agriculture by the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) from Nov. 17, 2005, through Oct. 19, 2006.

Exemptions and prohibitions granted under the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 (OFPA) are required to be reviewed every five years by the NOSB. The Secretary has authority under the OFPA to renew such exemptions and prohibitions. If they are not reviewed by the NOSB within five years of their inclusion on the National List and renewed by the Secretary, their authorized use or prohibition expires. The deadline for completing the sunset review process is Oct. 21, 2007. This date also serves as the effective date of the final rule.

For further information, contact Toni Strother, Agricultural Marketing Specialist; Telephone: 202-720-3252; or fax: (202) 205-7808.