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National Organic Program
NOSB Subcommittee Recommendations  
NOSB Subcommittee Proposals.
The NOSB’s six subcommittees - Crops; Livestock; Handling; Materials; Compliance, Accreditation, and Certification; and Policy Development - meet between public meetings to develop proposals and discussion documents for the full NOSB’s consideration. The proposals and discussion documents are published ahead of the semi-annual Board meeting in an effort to solicit public comment. At the Board meeting, the Subcommittees discuss each proposal and make any edits based on written and in-person public comments and present the amended proposal(s) to the full NOSB. The full NOSB then discusses and votes on the documents in a public forum* at which time the proposals are considered Board recommendations. NOSB Subcommittees

NOSB Subcommittee Recommendations.
After the meeting, the NOSB finalizes its recommendations to reflect the final vote and submits it to the NOP. NOSB Final Recommendations


*Please note that the NOSB does not vote on items identified as “discussion documents” below. Instead, these documents are used to solicit public comments and often lead to future subcommittee proposals.

NOTE: Recommendations are not official policy unless adopted by the National Organic Program.

Please select an NOSB Subcommittee to view proposals and recommendations:  

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  Last Modified Date: 04/13/2015