Paula Daniels
LA Food Policy Council | Los Angeles, CA
Environmentalist/Resource Conservationist | January, 2015 – January, 2020
Paula Daniels is the Founder and Chair Emeritus of the LA Food Policy Council, a collective impact initiative that is advancing innovative policy initiatives and programs designed to increase the production and availability of food that is healthy, affordable, and grown locally, sustainably, and fairly. She specializes in food and water policy and has had academic appointments at UC Berkeley, Vermont Law School and UCLA, where she currently teaches a food policy course through the Institute of Environment and Sustainability. She was a Senior Advisor to Mayor Villaraigosa of Los Angeles and a Los Angeles Public Works Commissioner, where she led the development of a suite of green infrastructure policies, best practices and tools, and creation of the city's food policy initiative. An attorney actively engaged in California environmental policy issues for over 20 years, Paula was also commissioner with the California Coastal Commission, and a gubernatorial appointee on the governing board of the California Bay-Delta Authority.