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Plant Variety Protection Office (PVPO) is Seeking Nominations for the 2015-2017 PVP Board

We are seeking nominations for a 2015-2017 PVP Board. The submission of a nomination package (an Application for Committee Membership (AD-755) and resume) should be made by February 6, 2015.

The Plant Variety Protection Act provides for a "Plant Variety Protection Board" to be appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture. The duties of the Board are to: (1) advise the Secretary concerning the adoption of rules and regulations to facilitate the proper administration of the Act; (2) make advisory decisions for the Secretary on appeals concerning decisions on applications by the Plant Variety Protection Office (PVPO) and on requests for emergency public-interest compulsory licenses; and (3) advise the Secretary on any other matters under the rules and regulations.

The Act provides that "The Board shall consist of individuals who are experts in various areas of varietal development covered by this Act." The term "various areas" is interpreted to include plant breeding and seed increase, certification, merchandising, and use. The Act also provides that the membership "shall include farmer representation and shall be drawn approximately equally from the private or seed industry sector and from the sector of government or the public". For additional information, see the PVP Board Charter (Departmental Regulation No. 1042-53).

The PVP Board consists of 14 members, each of whom is appointed for a 2-year period, with no member appointed for more than three 2-year periods. The term of the present board will expire in May 2015. The first meeting of the new Board will most likely be held in the summer of 2015.

In order to provide the Secretary of Agriculture with a broad choice from a diverse group of applicants, the PVPO is asking for nominated members to serve on the Board for two years from the date of appointment. Travel expenses will be covered by USDA.

To ensure that the recommendations of the Board take into account the needs of the diverse groups served by the USDA (from research and production to trade, use, and consumption). The USDA is responsible for vetting every candidate who applies for membership to a USDA Research and Promotion Board and/or Federal Advisory Committee.

In order to be appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture to serve on a board or committee, each applicant must clear all stages of the vetting process. Vetting is a comprehensive personal and professional background investigation that specifically includes, but is not limited to, an analysis of each candidate’s criminal history, bankruptcy filings, liens and judgments, affiliations and associations, lobbyist status, and prior involvement with USDA.

This process is used to ensure that the finest candidates are selected to represent the interests of the United States Department of Agriculture.
Please submit full nomination packages with completed AD 755 background information forms and resumes no later than February 6, 2015. Final selection of members will be made by the Secretary from nominations submitted.
All nomination materials should be mailed in a single, complete package to either:

USDA, AMS, S&T, Plant Variety Protection Office, 1400 Independence Ave., S.W., Rm. 4512-South Bldg., Mail Stop 0274, Washington, DC 20250

Thomas Vilsack, Secretary, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC, 20250.

USDA has special interest in assuring that women, minority groups, and the physically disabled are adequately represented on these advisory committees. We encourage and welcome nominations for female, minority, or disabled candidates.

Please see and click on PVPO Board (under Resources on the right side) for information on the current PVP Board, Charter, and AD 755 form. The AD-755 form can also be found on the USDA Advisory Committee website. (www.

Candidates who wish to be considered should submit an Application for Committee Membership (AD-755) and resume to the PVP Office or the Secretary of Agriculture. Cover letters should be addressed to the Secretary of Agriculture.

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  PVPO Board Members (pdf)  
  PVPO Board Charter (pdf)  
  PVPO Advisory Board Meeting Minutes  
  PVPO Background Information Form - AD 755(pdf) - Facadatabase  
  Plant Variety Protection Act (pdf)  
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  Last Modified Date: 10/10/2014