Agricultural Marketing Service

Agricultural Marketing Service

Quarterly Tribal Consultation

June 10, 2015-- 3 p.m. Eastern Time

Agenda (PDF)

Supplemental Information for Presentations

Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PDF)
AMS is Seeking Native American Owned Companies and Tribal Organizations for USDA Purchase Programs (PDF)
USDA Research and Promotion Boards Call to Action
News Release: USDA Seeks Nominees for National Watermelon Board (PDF)


Agricultural Marketing Service

Quarterly Tribal Consultation

March 11, 2015-- 3 p.m. Eastern Time

Agenda (PDF)

Presenters (PDF)

Supplemental Information for Presentations

AMS Grant Opportunties (PDF)
Bison Purchase Program (PDF)
Food Safety Modernization Act Update (PDF)
Potential California Federal Milk Marketing Order (PDF)
National Organic Program: Pet Food Update, Animal Welfare, and Apiculture
USDA Research and Promotion Boards: Board Openings and Presentation


Agricultural Marketing Service

Quarterly Tribal Consultation

December 3, 2014 -- 3 p.m. Eastern Time

Listen to Audio of Consultation (MP3) Please note: This file is very large and may take a while to download.

View Agenda (PDF)

Supplemental Information for Presentations

The Organic Origin of Livestock (PDF)

The Organic Cost Share Program (PDF)

The Commodity Procurement Staff (CPS) -- Livestock and Poultry (PDF) and Fruit and Vegetables(PDF)

Invitation: Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) 102 Webinar, Audit Preparation on January 22, 2015(PDF)

Research and Promotion Boards: Opportunities to Serve(PDF)

Nomination Summary by Board (PDF)


Agricultural Marketing Service

Quarterly Tribal Consultation

September 10, 2014 -- 3 p.m. Eastern Time

Listen to Audio of Consultation (MP3)

View Agenda[PDF]

Supplemental Information for Presentations

--Research and Promotion Boards:Opportunities to Serve (PDF)

--Specialty Crop Block Grants Flyer

Agricultural Marketing Service

Quarterly Tribal Consultation

June 11, 2014 -- 3 p.m. Eastern Time

Listen to Audio of Consultation (MP3)

View Agenda[PDF]

Supplemental Information for Presentations

USDA Research and Promotion Board Openings
--Christmas Tree Promotion Program
--Cotton Research and Promotion Program

--Organic Certification cost Share Program

--Produce Safety Alliance (PSA)

--The Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act

--Commodity Procurement

  Last Modified Date: 06/04/2015