Agricultural Marketing Service
National Organic Program
NOSB Subcommittees  

Executive Subcommittee
The Executive Subcommittee (ES) of the NOSB shall be comprised of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and the chairs of the standing Subcommittees. The Executive Subcommittee, with participation of the NOP, shall meet monthly, as needed, or as called by the Chair, and shall conduct business on behalf of the Board. Only the full Board may take decisive action on guidance and other policy recommendations from subcommittees, including the status of materials proposed for addition or deletion on the National List. The Executive Subcommittee will provide guidance and feedback to Committees on their proposed work plans.

Certification, Accreditation, and Compliance Subcommittee
The Certification, Accreditation, and Compliance Subcommittee (CACS) drafts recommendations for consideration by the Board to provide guidance, clarification or proposed standards of certification, accreditation and compliance sections of the organic regulations [7CFR Part 205] and OFPA. The CACS occasionally works with other subcommittees to develop joint recommendations where certification and compliance issues are involved.

Crops Subcommittee
The Crops Subcommittee (CS) drafts recommendations for consideration by the Board to provide guidance, clarification or proposed standards of the crop production section of the organic regulations as contained in [7CFR Part 205] and OFPA. The CS reviews petitions, substances scheduled to sunset, technical advisory panel reports, and public comments concerning materials used for crop production which have been requested for addition to or removal from the National List. The CS occasionally works with other subcommittees to develop joint recommendations where crop issues are involved.

Handling Subcommittee
The Handling Subcommittee (HS) makes draft recommendations for consideration by the Board to provide guidance, clarification or proposed standards of the handling and labeling sections of the organic regulations as contained in [7CFR Part 205] and OFPA. The HS reviews petitions, substances scheduled to sunset, technical advisory panel reports and public comments concerning materials used for processing and handling which have been requested for addition to or removal from the National List. The HS occasionally works with other subcommittees to develop joint recommendations where handling issues are involved.

Livestock/Aquaculture Subcommittee
The Livestock Subcommittee (LS) drafts recommendations for consideration by the Board to provide guidance, clarification or proposed standards of the livestock and livestock feed sections of the organic regulations as contained in [7CFR Part 205] and OFPA. The LS reviews petitions, substances scheduled to sunset, technical advisory panel reports and public comments concerning materials used for livestock production which have been requested for addition to or removal from the National List. The LS occasionally works with other subcommittees to develop joint recommendations where livestock issues are involved.

Materials/GMO ad hoc Subcommittee
The Materials Subcommittee (MS) drafts recommendations for consideration by the Board to provide guidance, clarification or proposed standards of the National List section of the organic regulations as contained in [7CFR Part 205] and OFPA. The MS works with the NOP, NOSB Subcommittees and TAP Contractors in managing the Materials Review Process including tracking petitions, sufficiency reports, materials scheduled to sunset and sunset review process in addition to a chair appointed by the Board Chair, the MS shall include in its membership one of the co-chairs from each of the Livestock, Crops, and Handling Subcommittees. Other members may be appointed as needed. The MS occasionally works with other subcommittees to develop joint recommendations where materials are involved.

Policy Development Subcommittee
The Policy Development Subcommittee (PDS) makes draft recommendations for consideration by the Board to provide guidance, clarification or proposed standards of Board operations, policies and procedures. The PDS maintains the content and updates to the NOSB Policy and Procedures Manual and New Member Guide. The PDS occasionally works with other subcommittees to develop joint recommendations where policy issues are involved.

Task Force
As determined by the Board or Executive Subcommittee, task forces shall be appointed to explore specific issues and present draft recommendations to the Board or to a subcommittee. Task forces may include non-Board members of the public. Each task force shall include at least one member of the NOSB. Minutes shall be taken of task force meetings. Each task force shall submit a final report to the Board. Each task force shall be disbanded when its work has concluded or when the Board determines the task force is no longer necessary.



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  Last Modified Date: 06/22/2015